Meet The Team
Educational Speaker
Anita will be leading our groups in understanding and unpacking what it means to be a Third Culture Kid and a Missionary Kid. She is a counselor who specializes in the subject and who has had experience on the mission field in Asia.
Bible Study Leader
Pastor Henrich will be leading our teenage and young adult MKs in Bible Study over the retreat. He grew up in Antigua as a Missionary Kid, himself. Now he serves a church in Knoxville, TN, along with his family above!
Bible Study Leader
Pastor Hering served as a missionary in Japan for 10 years. He currently serves as a pastor in Garland, TX. He will be leading the married and 25+ year old Missionary Kids in Bible Study over the retreat.
Planning Committee
Carrie Schaefer
Carrie grew up in Japan as a Missionary Kid. She is pictured with her husband and kids above. She has organized three Missionary Kid events in the past for gatherings and conferences. She continues to lead the planning team for this event and looks forward to meeting up with old and new friends this event.
Planning Committee
Erin Rodriguez
Erin grew up in Malawi as a Missionary Kid. She has been a part of planning the past two events, as well. She is looking forward to learning more about TCKs and making new connections in June!